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// 2015

// Furniture Design

Supervised by:

Axel Thallemer

Foldariod is a foldable stool that is designed to maximise storage capacity and transport efficiency for pop-up exhibitions or roadshows.

Being inspired from the ‘distance- angle’ relationship principle in folding, “Foldariod” are created by a self-drafted template that allow them to form from a single sheet to its structural form without much complexity. Furthermore, it also

enhances the pop-up space through the geometrical pleasing aesthetic of the folds on the eco friendly cardboard.

Foldariod was also further developed and actualised in leather with aluminium supporting structure with Star Furniture Group for D’star Design Award 2015. The new luxury look of Foldariod ultimately caught the eyes of the judges which eventually won 2nd Runner Up. 

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